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Family Business Conflict Video No 11: Emotional Resilience 1 – Broken Wing Syndrome. By Jon Kenfield.

Common Causes of Family Conflict & How to Deal with Them.

Video 11: Emotional Resilience 1 – Broken Wing Syndrome- Individuals.

  • Emotional Resilience = coping with stress and minimising anxiety. Epidemic.
  • Broken Wing Syndrome = parent(s) protecting weaker children.
  • Contributed to by genetics, home, school & social environments, birth order, parenting skills, domineering parent(s) and/or aggressive siblings.
  • Generates protectionist tendencies in family that spill into business. Can cause major rift between parents: “broken wing” syndrome.
  • Solution (1): focus on the individual with the problem. Negotiate their acceptance of the need for help and provide that help with through a specialist coach with appropriate skills. May need allies for this.

Written by Jon Kenfield

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