Missing Parents #1: “Mother, where are you? Your family’s coming apart.”
Q: How can a family survive when Dad’s missing-in-action and Mum can’t, or won’t, step up? A: Call for Uncle Bob. I was thinking about Mark (70) and Paula (68) and their family, just the other day. Let me tell you their story. Mark and Paula started …
Conflict (noun) = a form of protracted discord between individuals or groups. Conflict (verb) = to clash emotionally, intellectually, materially or physically. Conflict is a form of energy that can be focussed, or unfocussed, on its inbound and outbou …
Presented by: Ross Anderson, Coaching & Leadership International (FBI Faculty). Presented by: Ross Anderson, Coaching & Leadership International (FBI Faculty). Our 2018 theme: Behaviour-based strategies to support logical solutions explores …
“As ye sow, so shall ye reap” Recent conversations with other family business advisers confirm increasing exposure to business families with serious “fossilisation” issues. Naming no names, the problem seems most prevalent in families with seriously ag …