Agile Advisers

Training and Certification

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”  – Charles Darwin

Ability and Agility differ by just one letter, but where professional “ability” is grounded in the here and now, professional “agility” implies movement, overcoming obstacles, avoiding danger, and growth.

Agility requires both mindset and skillset changes and is the basis for helping Consultants evolve into Advisers:

Ability: Knowledge + skill + means to do something specific (Traditional Consultant).
Knowledge + skill + means + attitude to adjust to new situations and challenges to address specific problems (Innovative Consultant).
Agility: Adaptability + mobility to detect and bypass obstacles and self-imposed / institutional restrictions to achieve (supply-driven) personal goals (Flexible Adviser).
Evolved: Agility applied to advisory work through ongoing adaptation, in response to (demand-driven) client needs (Evolved Adviser).  Unconsciously competent.
Agile Adviser: Evolved Advisers consciously apply enhanced advisory toolkits to avoid running on professional autopilot.  To become Adept.


Professional Evolution

The long-anticipated arrival of AI into mainstream professional life means that within a few years traditional practice work balance and income sources will be completely reversed.

From:     Discipline/Technical Focus & Compliance = 80% + Client Focus = 20%

To:           Client Focus = 80% + Discipline/Technical Focus & Compliance = 20%.

“Doing the work” to deliver technically correct outcomes has been the main focus of all professions since their inception.  We’ve now created our own potential extinction event in the form of AI – the first “entity” that can already out-compete humans in many areas.  Consequently, we urgently need to get much better at doing the stuff AI won’t be able to beat humans at doing for some time.  Specifically:

  • Accurately diagnosea much broader range of inter-connected client needs and,
  • Critically assess and interpret technical advice obtained from efficient AI systems in the future so it can be used effectively and,
  • Integrate AI-generated technical advice with adviser-generated human advice to develop comprehensive plans of action that address the full scope of client needs and,
  • Negotiate client understanding, acceptance, and motivation to implement action plans developed by combining AI and human sources and,
  • Facilitate implementation of advice across the full range of client needs to achieve excellent outcomes for individuals, families, and businesses.

To succeed we need to become the Trusted Advisers most professionals strive to be.

Traditionally, professionals are trusted by their clients to discharge prescribed technical briefs efficiently (eg: produce tax returns, financial plans, and wills).  Before most routine tasks have been commoditised by AI systems, survival-oriented advisers need to evolve into Trustworthy Advisers who can apply human skills, to complement technical outputs.

This starts with developing a more holistic approach towards looking after client needs and learning professional “Agility”:

  • Build Trust by spending more time with clients, focusing on their needs and interests, and demonstrating willingness and ability to help satisfy those needs.
  • Empathise to show genuine interest in each client and to help identify their wider business, family, personal and human needs.
  • Leverage client relationships to stimulate demand for broader-based services.
  • Generate technical advice cost-efficiently, using appropriate and trustworthy A.I. expert systems.
  • Address all relevant client needs (personal, psychological, commercial, financial, legal, etc) using trustworthy, collaborative adviser networks, across many disciplines.
  • Negotiate understanding, acceptance, and commitment to your team’s advice.
  • Facilitate implementation / execution of advice to produce best possible outcomes.



Agile Adviser Training and Certification

We offer a 2 Day Agile Adviser Program as a standalone, in-house course for professional firms and groups of collaborative advisers.  Course minimum 8, maximum 24.  This is also the Foundation Level Module for our full Family Business Adviser and Advisory Board Accreditation Program (6 levels).

Program Content:

  • Modern collaborative advisory approach for SMEs & Family Businesses (AI defence)
  • Lateral & Strategic Thinking
  • Mindset and Branding: Consultant vs Adviser
  • Client Diagnostic – engagement scoping and planning
  • Problem-Solving & Decision-Making Process and Skills
  • 7 Elements of Organisational Success
  • Engagement Planning & Deliverables
  • Value Billing.


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